PinnedUI UX Case Study : Membantu user menemukan tempat nongkrong sesuai dengan kebutuhannyaJul 21, 2021Jul 21, 2021
UI UX Case Study : Redesign Kitabisa Application Features to Create a Better User ExperienceDisclaimer : This case study is used as a condition for working on the Kitabisa Challenge through the DTS Professional Academy program in…Oct 24, 2021Oct 24, 2021
Usability Testing pada Aplikasi “Nongko” untuk menemukan tempat nongkrong sesuai kebutuhanBackgroundJul 22, 2021Jul 22, 2021
UI UX Case Study : Redesign Maxim application and improve the appearance to make it look more…Disclaimer : this is my first redesign project in UI/UX Bootcamp by 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021
UI UX Study Case : Conduct a specification detail page on the clothing rental applicationDisclaimer : this is my first case study project in group with friends on the UI/UX Bootcamp by 7, 2021Jul 7, 2021